Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Elementary reading instruction typically focuses on the process of reading, rather than on reading comprehension.  Because the emphasis suddenly switches from learning to read to reading to learn, students find themselves drastically unprepared to read the information-rich texts that usually accompany higher grades.  Reading tests scores can be helpful in indicating when a student is having significant trouble with reading or for charting individual progress, but in general are a poor measure of a child's literacy abilities. 

A point that I found interesting about literacy myths was that difficulty in one area of literacy does not indicate difficulty with all areas.  Also, I think the following quote is worthy of consideration... "many of the literacies of adolescents are largely invisible in the classroom. Research on reading and writing beyond the classroom shows that students often have literacy skills that are not made evident in the classroom unless teachers make special efforts to include them."  Extending the definition of literacy to include non-print, social and background knowledge allows educators to recognize the capabilities of all students.

The task of teaching students to read is not one that is assigned to only a Reading or English teacher.  Rather, it should be interwoven into all subject areas and teachers should instruct students on the proper way to read depending on the text or the purpose of the reading.  For example, in Social Studies, where the text books are often incredibly dense and hard to read at length, teachers should illustrate how to skim and scan the headings, look for bold face or italic words, and utilize the index and table of contents. 

My technological literacy, though limited, was almost entirely self-acquired.  When I was in high school we had a typing class, but the Internet was still fairly new and we were not instructed on its use or even how to use computer programs such as Excel.  Things have changed significantly in the 12 years since then and now as a [non-traditional]college student I utilize technology I had never even heard of at that time.  (Such as this blog...)

Examples of a literacy practice that children need to be taught are map reading, weather tracking, or using the Internet.  A discourse community, which will become increasingly prevalent and varied in a students life, is one that communicates in a preferred manner, therefore members use that mode of communication.  Examples of discourse communities include sports teams, internet forums, band or cheer leading squads, computer savvy people and so on. 

When a student feels as if the literacies they possess are not acknowledged or valued in the school setting, they are more likely to disconnect from that environment and struggle to succeed within it due to this sense of alienation.  Allowing and welcoming the many types of extra curricular literacies to be explored not only sparks and maintains student interest, but can be done in such a way so that it also incorporates academic literacy instruction while supporting an inclusive community within the classroom.

In the fifth grade I had a teacher that used real-life applications of writing (a school newspaper) to encourage and motivate the class.  I can remember her very well, and how passionate she was at helping each of us find the area we would be best in be it sports, humor, news, etc.   In my seventh grade homeroom was a deaf student.  He had an interpreter that went to each class with him who taught us how to sign the Pledge of Allegiance, say hello, and communicate very simple and basic thoughts with the student.  The interpreter also created a Sign Language club which many of the students from our homeroom joined where we learned how to fingerspell, sign a few songs, and hold a basic conversation.  This experience resonated with me and I went on to get an Associates degree in Sign Language Interpreting.  The effects of celebrating multicultural literacy development can be long lasting and life changing. 

Teachers who are successful at gaining the respect of their peers usually do so through their ability to respond to diversity within their classroom, practice effective classroom management, commit to furthering their own education, model appropriate values and behavior, and produce independent, capable thinkers.  

Bolima, D. (n.d.). Context for understanding: Educational learning theories. Retrieved from 

The National Council of Teachers of English. (2007). Adolescent literacy. Retrieved from 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

“This marginalization and denial of educational opportunities is not restricted to this urban Appalachian population.  Rather, I see this study and the struggles and the dreams it reveals as an up close example of the devastation wrought by issues of class and power in all our schools and in all of the countries of the world…”
                I feel that this quote really speaks to the powerful message of the reading.  Viewing literacy as a cultural difference rather than as a deficit, as talked about in As Soon As She Opened Her Mouth, is difficult and something that had honestly never crossed my mind.  A child from another country who faces difficulty learning is usually easily recognized as an English Language Learner whose troubles stem from a difference in modes of communication, yet a child from a different socioeconomic status is typically labeled as uneducated and unable to learn. It’s sad to realize that you have held such preconceived notions and that these have been reflected in your own behavior.  It’s absolutely true that these children, despite a lack of exposure to reading and writing, have grown up believing that their lives have been full.  And the belief that this lack of exposure results in a permanent inability to comprehend the world of print is a devastating falsehood that teachers must work to overcome.  

1.  Literacy knowledge is a broad term that encompasses all levels of understanding regarding reading, writing, and the student’s world.  This can include those held by a toddler first beginning to understand that letters and printed words represent thoughts and ideas or first being exposed to a book that is read aloud to them, or a 14 year old boys thorough knowledge of a car engine inherited from years of working beside his father. Non-print literacy includes any way that information is presented besides text, such as images and movies or the above example of hands on experience. 
2.  Stereotypes, such as those we often hold for people of lesser affluence or of a different race, can dramatically affect teaching.  If inherent with our beliefs about poor people is the idea that they are incapable of reading and writing, we disregard their struggles with the subject and the child receives little to no extra support due to the fact that we expect him or her to fail with or without that support. 
3.    Schools and teachers contribute to poor literacy instruction by perpetuating these stereotypes and by teaching in a manner that reflects these beliefs.  If all students can be taught equitably and regardless of ability or background be treated as if they have potential, success rates of literacy instruction will inevitably increase. 
4.  Typically, we consider a person’s language to be a marker of their social class.  As a general rule, wealthier and more educated individuals are believed to have a more sophisticated manner of speaking than those living in or below poverty or those who have not attended formal schooling.  Too often, this audible brand worn by the speaker ties him or her to a life of disadvantage, especially in the educational setting where he or she will be viewed as hopeless and likely cast aside or pushed through without ever even being given a chance.   
5.  As discusses above, it is a common misconception to believe that a person’s language is an indication of their literacy abilities or potential. 
6.  There are many ways in which schools and teachers can improve literacy instruction.  First, it is important for them to realize that this instruction takes place in all subject matters and can be applied to all situations in the student’s life.  Doing so will make the information much more relevant to the child and hopefully easier to understand.  Second, it is vital that we work to remove our prejudices from practice as provide all students with equal access to education and resources.  Third, we must find ways to individualize the educational process so that it most appropriately caters to each child based on his or her unique background and capabilities to create an environment that is most conducive to their learning.
7. The term “proper English” denotes that there are then some forms which are “improper,” and that is the central conflict in this reading.  Labeling a person’s language as improper is akin to any other type of discrimination.  This is something that is disgraceful and disempowering regardless of the form in which it manifests.  

                I think this quote from the second reading, Tall Tales Of Appalachia, which argues against the creation of a television show titled “The Real Beverly Hillbillies” depicts this type of discrimination well.  “If a television network proposed a ''real life'' show treating poor African-Americans, Latinos, American Indians, Asians or Jews as curiosities, they, and all Americans of good will, would be justifiably outraged.”  Though the quote pertains to a different context, it can be applied to the school setting as well.  Some of our greatest moments in history are remembered as times when we overcame horrible acts of discrimination against huge groups of people.  Why are we continuing to allow it to happen to the poor?

                I chose the following video because I feel it does a nice job at illustrating how our background experiences and knowledge affect reading and content comprehension.  Also, it shows how a lack of certain background knowledge can interfere with understanding, an idea that is often overlooked when assessing a child's literacy level in the school setting.  

 Purcell Gates, V. (2002). As soon as she opened her mouth. In L. Delpit & J.K Dowdy (Eds.), In The skin that we speak: An anthology of essays on language culture and power.

O'Brien, J. (2003, May 10). Tall tales of appalachia. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Video:  Willingham, D. (Producer) (2009). Teaching content is teaching reading [Web]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Inclusive education is coordinated through the school and involves not only the staff and all students but also the community, family, and other professionals. It strives to provide every student with equitable and engaging classroom experiences regardless of disability, race, gender, ethnicity, language capabilities, or socioeconomic status. 

Inclusive schools aim to meet the needs of a diverse group of students and usually share common characteristics such as developing a deep sense of belonging and community within the school,  working closely with members of problem solving teams to ensure success for each student, and dedicating extra time to planning inclusive lessons. 

One way to create the feeling of importance and community while also allowing the student to be an active participant in his or her own inclusion is through the use of cross-age tutoring where older, more experienced students help younger ones. 

I like the picture below because of its simplicity and effectiveness.  It highlights three of the most important aspects of an inclusive school.

 Hocog, R. (n.d.). Research review for inclusive practices. Retrieved from 

Image: Becoming a more inclusive university community. Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, USA. Retrieved from