Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Think Aloud

My think aloud is on DHMO.org.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Website Authenticity

The website I chose is Dihydrogen Monoxide. At first glance the site seems pretty official. The extension is .org, suggesting that its goal is ultimately to present opinions in favor of their cause, in this case the theory of dihydrogen monoxide and its possible threats. Even still, the information appears scientific, they cite from studies and provide names of the people who conducited them. The copyright to the site is owned by Tom Way, and no other name or publisher is mentioned. After google searching his name I found his biography hosted at the college he currently teaches for, Villanova University. Four paragraphs down while speaking of his accomplishments, Tom and the DHMO site are mentioned, "Director of Research of the successful science satire web site DHMO.org". As if this isn't proof enough of the websites lack of credibility, further reading often shows DHMO being referred to as hydric acid. A google search for this brought up a wikipedia page documenting the dihydrogen monoxide hoax and its history. Taking these findings in to account, it is apparant to see that this website may appear to be, but certainly is not valid.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teacher of the Year Magazine Cover

Here is our magazine cover for the Teacher of the Year!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Web 2.0/Social Bookmarking

I didn't know about web 2.0 until this class and I really was excited to look through all the different programs that are being created. There are so many possibilities that it is hard to narrow it down to just one, and I'm sure that I will use many of them personally.
A specific tool that I found and would love to utilize in my future classroom is Storybird. Students can use Storybird to collaborate with one another during creative writing assignments. The assignments could vary a lot, ranging from ideas and topics created by me and given with specific assignments to freelance writing projects. Similar to photostory, storybird allows users to add pictures and text to slides, but also enables the students to collaborate together and pick up on a story where the last person left off. I think this would be a fun and exciting activity for students to create a story and see where their fellow classmates take it.

WebQuest Artifact

Here is an example of the artifiact students will create using my WebQuest.