Thursday, September 6, 2012

Where I'm From

I am from weeping willows, from cabbage patch dolls and cattail ponds. 

I am from a home built by my family’s hands, a family not determined by blood … innovative, humane.  From the call of bull frogs, the pinch of crayfish, bright orange, rain covered newts. 

I am from the taste of honeysuckle and the smell of sassafras, the sounds of music echoing through the valley, in harmony with the chorus of spring peepers. From the whir of a Big Wheel Clan. 

I am from moonlit, snow laden walks and green thumbs.  From  Alfred, never showing pain, Gladys,  eyes radiating shades of sorrow.  The Schwartz’s, eternally optimistic with perpetual smiles. 

I am from star gazing and rain measuring.  Orchard tending and chicken egg collecting.  

From not eating the ENTIRE block of cream cheese and “as you wish.”

I am from goddesses in the garden, communion with nature, spirituality of the soul.  From a place of oneness, unity. 

I am from Brothers Grimm, Van Gogh, from potluck dinners and homemade bread.   

From a beautiful, strong, passionate mother who taught me to always fight for the things I believe in.  A practical, dependable, intelligent father… reminding me that I’ll win some and I’ll lose some.  

I am from a living photo album, 180 acres long, with trails into the woods as deep as our ties to the earth.  From Jupiter Hollow, a place of love.  

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