Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Powerpoint presentation

Here is my powerpoint presentation, although when I uploaded it to slideshare it no longer had the timings and effects I used and the video can not be played.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I plan to do my presentation on metamorphosis. I would like to demonstrate the process and the different types of animals that do so. I think this topic has a lot of potential for a good presentation and many images that could go well with it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Scratch Modification

The scratch idea that I am modifying has the potential to meet the following content standards.

demonstrate curiosity, initiative and creativity by observing, classifying, comparing and analyzing natural objects in the environment

identify the structures of living things including their systems, and explain their functions (e.g., wings for flying, fins for swimming, or roots for support and obtaining water).

identify parts of systems and identify how they interact with one another.

Students are asked to observe a real aquarium, taking note of the way each creature interacts with the environment and other creatures. They then are asked to use scratch to recreate a sea creature or fish from the aquarium and demonstrate its movement. Here is an example of this project created by a second grader.

I modified this scratch project by slowing down the motion of the seaweed and a couple of the fish, and by adding to and changing the direction of the bubbles and the turtle. I also changed the ocotpus so that he didn't swim upside down. Here is the scratch project after I made these changes.

Blogging with 5th graders

I enjoyed blogging with the students from 5th grade. I was a little suprised by their writing, spelling and grammar abilities but I may have had too high of expectations. I am not really sure of what level they should be on, but it seemed as if many of the students were typing in the way they would also text or IM. I am sure this is to be expected from a blogging assignment, but think proper techniques should be taught and assigned. This can be addressed through contructive criticism, left in a comment on the students posts. In these comments mispelled words should be corrected through proper use and offering of synonyms. This shows the students how to fix the mistakes they have made in a positive way. I would love to use blogging in my future classroom and feel it has many benefits for all participants.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Scratch idea

I would like to do this idea for a scratch presentation. I like this one because the students get to first learn about fish and study an aquarium, then recreate one. I feel it has a good amount of learning and that the scratch project would be an appropriate way to reinforce the knowledge.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Henry Jenkins and Convergence Culture

Covergence culture is the expressing and collaborating of ideas, entertainment, and information through different forms of media and across many different platforms. One of the primary examples of this given by the speaker was Youtube. Things like the matrix, which has products available for computers, game systems, the internet, movies and more, are evidence to the way media is starting to change. Through these collective pools of information culture is becoming more advanced in that it has the intelligence of the group rather than the individual. Technology available online has enabled people to participate in the creating of media in a way that is being recognized as very powerful.
The implications of convergence culture on education are simple. It must become more inclusive to these changes culture and communication or it will be ignoring a huge part of the world today. It is very important that our educational system strives to remain as up to date as possible and I think the idea of not preparing children and teens how to ethically utilize available resources is a scary thought.
Many schools ban social networking or blogging sites from their computers and do not allow students to use them at school. I definetly do not agree with this policy and feel that it is the obligation of the school to model responsible use of these sites rather than banning them. As talked about in the vidoe, there is a great amount of potential power in these sites and tools and the things students create with them have the possibility of reaching a global audience. Also, as the world changes to become more technological and more of a convergence culture, we have new skills that must be learned in able to understand and be a part of it. We must teach these skills in the classroom as we would any other skill.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Think Aloud

My think aloud is on

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Website Authenticity

The website I chose is Dihydrogen Monoxide. At first glance the site seems pretty official. The extension is .org, suggesting that its goal is ultimately to present opinions in favor of their cause, in this case the theory of dihydrogen monoxide and its possible threats. Even still, the information appears scientific, they cite from studies and provide names of the people who conducited them. The copyright to the site is owned by Tom Way, and no other name or publisher is mentioned. After google searching his name I found his biography hosted at the college he currently teaches for, Villanova University. Four paragraphs down while speaking of his accomplishments, Tom and the DHMO site are mentioned, "Director of Research of the successful science satire web site". As if this isn't proof enough of the websites lack of credibility, further reading often shows DHMO being referred to as hydric acid. A google search for this brought up a wikipedia page documenting the dihydrogen monoxide hoax and its history. Taking these findings in to account, it is apparant to see that this website may appear to be, but certainly is not valid.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teacher of the Year Magazine Cover

Here is our magazine cover for the Teacher of the Year!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Web 2.0/Social Bookmarking

I didn't know about web 2.0 until this class and I really was excited to look through all the different programs that are being created. There are so many possibilities that it is hard to narrow it down to just one, and I'm sure that I will use many of them personally.
A specific tool that I found and would love to utilize in my future classroom is Storybird. Students can use Storybird to collaborate with one another during creative writing assignments. The assignments could vary a lot, ranging from ideas and topics created by me and given with specific assignments to freelance writing projects. Similar to photostory, storybird allows users to add pictures and text to slides, but also enables the students to collaborate together and pick up on a story where the last person left off. I think this would be a fun and exciting activity for students to create a story and see where their fellow classmates take it.

WebQuest Artifact

Here is an example of the artifiact students will create using my WebQuest.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Would Socrates Say?

I think that Socrates would approve of WebQuests as an innovative and modern approach to teaching and learning. The article states that Socrates “believed that we learn best by asking essential questions and testing tentative answers against reason and fact in a continual and virtuous circle of honest debate.” The properly designed WebQuest achieves this in a modern sense, utilizing modern technology and resources in a way that Socrates probably never imagined during his lifetime. The first reason I think he would agree based on this quote is because a WebQuest certainly poses some variety of important question to be examined or problem to be solved. The second is that a WebQuest should also explore many possible solutions and ideas relative to that problem and engage students in critical thinking and creative problem solving. Teachers can provide reputable links to reliable information so that students can “test tentative answers” using the most information possible. Third, I think Socrates would approve because the rich socialization enabled by online resources enables an arena for continuous debate, discussion, exploration and researching. Students can communicate in unconventional ways and without the restraints of a class schedule or schoolroom. Socrates believed in non traditional forms of education and WebQuests are different and exciting ways to challenge students.
I agree with the points made about the internet creating a sort of quick fix culture of google-ing searchers, more interested in “fragments of thought” rather than actually reading and learning something in its entirety. The freedom and vastness of the internet comes with the inability to control what it contains, and therefore it is filled with inaccurate and wrong information. That is why it is important the a WebQuest be designed using scholarly and accredited resources available online to help students learn how to discern between fact and fiction on the internet.

My WebQuest is about Earth Day and I believe it presents an analytical task. Students are asked to compare different problems facing the plant and the effect they are having as well as different solutions for these problems. From this they gain an understanding of the impact our actions are having upon the planet and the way in which they can change this.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Webquest Adaptation

Here is a link to the webquest I would like to change. This webquest was designed to help raise student awarness about Earth Day and why it is important. I love the idea behind the project, but feel there are many aspects to the webquest that could be changed.
First, I would like to change the visual appearance. I think there could be a few more graphics and perhaps some that are not cartoons. The text in the introduction is basically just directions, and lacks any inspiration or connection to why studying Earth Day is important to students. I would like to modify this as well as some of the mechanical aspects. Almost all of the links are broken and need to be replaced with more current sources of information.
I really like the idea of creating more earth conscious students, but this project lacked any sort of group activity or interaction. I think that the questions in the task could be adapted so that students could form groups, work individually within the group to research and answer one of the 5 questions, then work together to create a report or multimedia project based on what they have found. Each group could also be asked to then decide upon one way they can change the way they live and dedicate themselves to that responsibility. For example, one group may choose to start recylcing, another to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store or to turn the water off while they brush their teeth. The changes can be small, but overall must impact the environment in a positive way. Adding these changes to the webquest will enable me to also add a section explaining the process, making the webquest more complete.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mutlimedia projects versus Written Papers

The advantages of written assignments are well known. They help the student to think critically about a topic, learn to research and gather facts, analyze situations and apply creative thought processes to learning. Not only does writing a paper foster all of these aspects of education, it teaches grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, etc. Written papers are also a way for teachers to evaluate the progress of a student and ensure they are grasping a concept. Though the idea is new, there are also many advantages to a multimedia project being used in the classroom. Students could collaborate with one another to create a class project on a certain topic, or create individual presentations to demonstrate facts or support their opinion in regard to a given assignment. I feel it is important to still assign written work to students but to also incorporate multimedia lessons and tasks as part of the process. Students could be asked to write a short history of an event, or person, accompanied with a photostory slide show.
"The Power of One" demonstrates one possibility of using multimedia along with another assignment. The facts for that presentation required research, the narration required editing and writing in proper form. Adding the visual aid to the statistics gives the presentation more impact.
The NETS-T states the teachers should "1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers: c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes."
Also, "2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers: a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity."

Group Webquest Assignment

Creative Encounter and Poetry of war were our top two choices. Creative Encounters engaged the students in a group activity and gave them a creative way of learning. Every group would have a different way of creating a number system and everyone in the group would have a different job. Poetry of war was our other top pick because it engages the students in a more critical way of thinking. Children had to read poems and create their own. The Students had to also be creative by drawing pictures and describing it as well. The worst ones were The Diary of John Wilkes Booth and The Problem with Landfills. The diary of John Wilkes Booth provided way too much information and would have lost the students interest. Some of the information was irrelevant. The Problem with Landfills was hard for children to get sources. It could have also been more age appropriate. Best means the one that facilitates the most creative and analytical thinking and processes and the worst means those that lack interest and group interaction.

Photostory ~ What makes a good teacher?

you can also view it by clicking here.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I added my resume to my favorite links list, but you can also view it by clicking here.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

blogging activities relevant to the ISTE/NETS for Teachers

There are many ways to utilize a blog in the classroom.  Students could use the blog to write a collective continuation of a story previously read in class.  Each could add a piece to the story and tell what happened to the characters. Assignments could be given to aid in the development of a new story or to create new adventures. 
Doing this would meet the ISTE/NETS for Teachers, number 1)Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. C)promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.

Also, older students could use the blog to care for and monitor the growth of their individual plants, such as a sunflower.  They will be responsible for recording changes and forming a hypothesis based on the differences in care and environment when plant growth is compared on the blog.  This would also meet the first ISTE/NETS for Teachers, letter D)model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

A blog activity that I would like to use as a teacher is a teacher-parent-student blog.  A blog that I can post daily activities, homework, announcements and general information to.  Parents could use it as a fast way to contact me or to monitor what their child is learning.  Students can communicate with each other for assignments and check the blog for homework or test information. 
This meets standard 4)Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility, letter A)advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.

This is my first blog... and so far I am excited by the possibilities!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hello all!  Welcome to my blog.  I am currently a student at Fairmont State University, working towards my degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in Multi Categorical disabilities.  I also have a degree in Sign Language Interpreting and feel the two fields will compliment each other well.  I love children, teaching, and learning and hope to some day play a positive role in many lives.  I would really like to teach somewhere in West Virginia but am still unsure where time will take me.  I have lived here all of my life... and am positive that at some point a change will be in order.  There are so many places I would love to explore.

Thank you for following along and sharing my journeys!